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Not affect the European crisis, stocks in Asia still rising

Asian shares have increased for the third day following the biggest rally in U.S. stocks suffered nearly three weeks as concerns over European debt crisis subsided.

The increase was driven by Asia stocks of commodity companies and financial institutions. For example Nintendo Co., maker of video games gaming device. The company that receives 85% of its sales from outside Japan, rose 3.1% in Osaka due to an optimistic view of the view of the weakening yen will push the value of overseas sales.

Next, the MSCI Asia Pacific Index climbed 1.5% to 113.37 at 3:07 pm Tokyo time. The index has tumbled 12% from its peak on April 15 due to fears of some European countries will not be able to pay their debts.

Even after the leaders in the region reveals bailout plan worth U.S. $ 1 trillion. "The market has responded to all the bad news today. Shares valued too low to give Europe the assumption the problem would have no immediate and crippling the global economy," said Ayako Sera, strategic Sumitomo Trust & Banking Co. today.

Sumitomo Trust & Banking Co. is a company based in Tokyo and who supervised the flow of funds of about U.S. $ 307 billion.

While in the stock exchange of Australia, National Australia Bank Ltd. climbed 2.5%. The Bank is leading the improvement of financial institutions underwriting the cost over the Asia-Pacific bonds from default declined.

In Hong Kong, CNOOC Ltd., the largest offshore oil miners in China, jumped 3% related to the increase in crude oil prices. Overall, Hong Kong's Hang Seng Index rose 1.8%. Australian Index S & P / ASX 200 climbed 1.6%, while the Kospi index rose 1% in Seoul. Markets in Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand are closed for national holidays.

The Nikkei 225 Stock Average rose 1.3% in Tokyo, even when a government report showed consumer prices for products other than fresh food in Japan fell 1.5% in one year until April lalu.Tingkat unemployment rose to 5.1% from 5% .

Share index futures in the Standard & Poor's 500 fell 0.2% today. S & P 500 Index bereli 3.3% yesterday, the highest increase since May 10, when China's government is committed to investing in Europe will ease the fears of debt crisis worsened.

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