There are a million bloggers in Indonesia this year. Consumer Era speak arrived. The brand owners also began holding community of bloggers and Netizen for marketing and corporate events. How effective?
No doubt, developments in Indonesia, blogging activities arguably are spectacular. The past year, the number of bloggers has doubled from the previous year to 1 million bloggers. The number of Internet users in the ground water reaches more than 30 million users in the year 2009. Meanwhile, Indonesian language ranked number three in the world as the language most widely used in WordPress.
Government attention on bloggers arguably big enough. The proof, the government set October 27 as National Blogger Day. This determination coincides with the first Bloggers Feast October 27, 2007. Blogger is a party event national meeting of bloggers in Indonesia. This year, the Feast of Blogger has done for the third time. Support Bloggers every year on the Feast of increasingly large. United States Embassy to Indonesia to become a sponsor of this event remain. Not to mention the support of the bloggers abroad. There was also the businessmen began to glance at this 2.0 web-based community. They began to build good relationships with the bloggers and Netizen for their marketing activities and corporate.
Some of the brands that started it took the bloggers, among other cellular operator XL, Guinness beer, and Pertamina. Various activities were held with the involvement of the community.
"We've noticed this community ever since two years ago. This is the era of community base. Indonesian people like to gather. Friendly and mutually exchange information. The Internet has provided new space for them, "says Handono Warih, General Manager of Direct Sales PT Excelcomindo Pratama Tbk.
As a service company, XL quite concerned with the development of this digital world. In particular, an increasingly crowded social networking enthusiasts. "Social networking has become a concern for us since the beginning. Including before Facebook, Twitter trendy like today. We see the market trends. In 2007, bloggers become the trend. In the year 2008, activity remained blog developed but more commonplace with Facebook. On Facebook, people can still do blogging activities as well as to sharing it with others. Not on Facebook, people commented to each other easily, "he said.
XL also support the event Blogger Party. In Blogger Festival 2009, held a program XL XL Blog Awards. The event is an appreciation of space for the managers of the blog that ideas and creativity. XL Blog Awards presents 10 categories for assessment. Winners announced in the top of Blogger Party event on October 24, 2009 in Jakarta. Bloggers who participate in the contest must include XL Blog Awards logo on each blog. Participants are also quite a lot.
"We're in the bloggers are not just sponsors. But, also how the product, XL is also increasingly known by many people. We never competing to make the story. Each participant must indicate the XL logo on all their activities and in-post in, "added Nadia Febriati, Head of Corporate Communication XL.
XL several times to support community activities bloggers. Just so you know, community of bloggers has grown. As shown in the Party Blogger ago, almost every town in Indonesia have their own community. For example, a community of Semarang Lumpia, Cah Andong from Yogyakarta, Wind Mamiri from Makassar, Bali bloggers, Bekasi, and so forth. Including multiple blogs managed keroyokan like Kompasiana who fronted by, Politikana, Publikana, and so forth.
"Essentially, XL realized in the activity blogger friends. Many things that we can pick. Nature of improvement XL forward until the media to listen to voice our customers. Now, people do not just rely on one channel from a corporate official. But, also through social media like this, "he said.
Handono mengamini that era, an era now referred to as consumers to speak. Web 2.o this phenomenon has changed the pattern of relationships between businesses and consumers. Now, the pattern in both directions. In fact, consumers can create their own media to express his opinions.
"With blogs, Facebook, Twitter, and other social networks, we can quickly find out the complaints. It is a challenge. Usually, we quickly respond to and direct all complaints to be handled formally, "added Nadia.
For XL, customer complaints through social media is not a disaster. "Tip her, as long as we are transparent, responsive, all earlier complaints could be addressed immediately. Digital web 2.0 is actually very good for corporate image development. Complaints on the internet for us is not a problem. But, it's a challenge! "Added Nadira Febriati.
With alacrity and transparency, XL able to change the blogger who can write a complaint to the new agent. Every new product, which for the first time he had reviewed. "Those who would distribute that information to other communities, given this information easily shared through the blog media. We also often give special price to them, "he added.
XL also continue to encourage blogging activity can bring something useful, especially for the bloggers themselves. "Looking ahead, we have a supporting with Google holding a seminar with SMEs. We also invite the bloggers and internet users. We will continue to educate the internet what they can produce and get something. We want them to become blogpreneur, "he said.
Meanwhile, Herman Sulina, Marketing Manager for Guinness, view digital media very effectively to communicate with its target market, especially for the younger generation. "Currently, the most effective are the bloggers. For me, the bloggers are the true influencers of the market. Some bloggers have a follower so that the information is more widely spread. Digital media, 'said Herman.
In order to alert his 250th birthday, Guinness Indonesia entered a writing contest articles and photos for bloggers. The prizes were unsparing. Four winners of the writing of articles and photos are invited to attend the celebration of 250 years of Global Guinness in Dublin, Ireland. The winners were chosen from hundreds of participants who register their blogs to the website as well as dozens of articles print media which sent its author into the Guinness Indonesia.
Promotion by the bloggers, to Herman, that's quite unique. What they convey does not smell like the commercial ad. They deliver their testimony is. "It's different if we own the way, people do not easily believe. But others outside the brand actually has the strength affects large. Now, consumers have more confidence antarkonsumen own. They do testimonials. While our brand of propaganda, "he added.
There are positive indications in the community of bloggers with this approach. But key is consistency. "We can not plant and harvest the day tomorrow. But, this is an investment into future years, provided that we consistently do that, "he said.
Approach to the bloggers can not be separated from one strategy to approach the Guinness youth market lately has seemed keen to work with. "The strategy we use to remember the young kids now are very critical. They are not easy to believe. They further believe that when I experienced myself. Then transmit the information to his friends. Conventional marketing using outdated jargon here, "she said.
Meanwhile, observers Supreme Wasesa penance communications, see the trend of bloggers community took this as a positive effort. For him, the blogger at a time other than as a consumer as well as media. "They have their own voice for what they experienced and felt. They can be effective points in the dissemination of information, "he said.
Silih also see the base web 2.o, consumers have more bargaining power. Complaints about, for penance, not to be considered as a threat to the company. "Companies should embrace their brave and nimble, and seeks the same perception between the company and the bloggers. One of the tips to hold them is to conduct activities that combine online and offline activities, such as ground coffee. This becomes a very good moment, "he said.
Cellular operator XL: Investing in Community Bloggers Indonesia

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